The coin has the shape of a circle, on the front and back sides there is a rim along the circumference. The edge of the coin is grained.
At the top - a relief image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus; circle inscription - "РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ" (THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS); in the centre of a circle - ornamental composition in a shape of a flower with four petals on which the plants included in this series are depicted; below - denomination: "ДВАЦЦАЦЬ РУБЛЁЎ" (TWENTY ROUBLES) on the silver coin, "АДЗIН РУБЕЛЬ" (ONE ROUBLE) on the copper-nickel one; on the left - the year of coinage, on the right - alloy standard (on the silver coin).
In the center - a relief ornamental image of the ghost orchid, on the right-hand and on the left-hand sides - the fragments of this plant in enlarged view; circle inscription: at the top - "НАДБАРОДНIК БЯЗЛIСТЫ" (GHOST ORCHID), at the bottom - EPIPOGIUM APHYLLUM.
reverse: S.Nekrasova (Belarus)